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This is the area of the FTC competition that causes teams the most heartache. It is the primary cause for non-functioning robots during matches; however, with a little effort and attention to detail you can help create a more dependable FCS/Samantha connection.  In addition to implementing power poles (see our page) follow these best practices regarding the Samantha, and you FCS setup.

Field Control System and the Samantha Module

Should you choose NOT to implement the Anderson Power Pole system - we recommend this alternative Samantha wiring option be used. 

We have helped many teams throughout the years - even on the DAY of competition - to experience fewer dropouts by reminding them to keep the module clear of metal, and to make sure the lights are viewable by the FTA.

We are always amazed at how many teams 'bury' their module inside the robot....

Video on troubleshooting

For those who want to know ALL the details behind the Samantha Module.

Can you locate the antenna ?

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