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We spent season one without these 'power poles' we would never go with out! By the end of our first season the molex style connector on the 12-Volt battery was failing...this created many 'random' drop-outs. Usually we dropped when we were hit, or went up the ramp (a bump). The picture shows a 6-pin molex connector, but you can see how repeated connections could easily damage the internal pins. Also, handle the batteries and the change outs carefully. We see kids holding the battery by the wires (like a mouses tail).... DON'T do that!

Switch your electrical system over to Anderson Power Poles

A solid power supply to all your systems is key to great robot performance. This becomes especially important on the competition day, where things are much more rough and tumble than at a typical meeting. 

Molex Style

Ordering the connectors and the proper crimping tool

AndyMark is a great resource for all kinds of things FTC !



Step-by-Step approach to implementing...

x. Also, the connectors on the TETRIX and MATRIX battery packs may be replaced or augmented with any compatible connector described in <R08.q.>

Power Pole Style

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